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FTX investors sue MLB, Formula 1, and the Mercedes Formula 1 team, accusing them of aiding FTX's fraud, broadening a class-action suit against 24

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2023-11-28 11:46:19
Cybersecurity Business

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Jef Feeley / Bloomberg:

FTX investors sue MLB, Formula 1, and the Mercedes Formula 1 team, accusing them of aiding FTX's fraud, broadening a class-action suit against 24+ celebrities  —  - FTX investors say leagues allegedly aided $11 billion fraud  — Mercedes-Benz Formula 1 racing team also named in lawsuit

Jef Feeley / Bloomberg:

FTX investors sue MLB, Formula 1, and the Mercedes Formula 1 team, accusing them of aiding FTX's fraud, broadening a class-action suit against 24+ celebrities  —  - FTX investors say leagues allegedly aided $11 billion fraud  — Mercedes-Benz Formula 1 racing team also named in lawsuit

Source: TechMeme
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