National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Tencent's stock drops 6%+ after the US DoD added it to a blacklist of companies with alleged ties to China's military; it may face delisting

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2025-01-06 17:24:08
Cybersecurity Business


Tencent's stock drops 6%+ after the US DoD added it to a blacklist of companies with alleged ties to China's military; it may face delisting or index removals  —  - Firms on Chinese military list face delisting, index removals  — Some Chinese firms successfully fought to be taken off list


Tencent's stock drops 6%+ after the US DoD added it to a blacklist of companies with alleged ties to China's military; it may face delisting or index removals  —  - Firms on Chinese military list face delisting, index removals  — Some Chinese firms successfully fought to be taken off list

Source: TechMeme
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