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The US SEC fines Delphia and Global Predictions a combined $400K for making "false and misleading statements" about their use of AI (Austin

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2024-03-18 16:27:30

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Austin Weinstein / Bloomberg:

The US SEC fines Delphia and Global Predictions a combined $400K for making “false and misleading statements” about their use of AI  —  - Delphia and Global Predictions agreed to pay $400,000 in total  — Cases alleging over-hyped AI claims step up agency crackdown

Austin Weinstein / Bloomberg:

The US SEC fines Delphia and Global Predictions a combined $400K for making “false and misleading statements” about their use of AI  —  - Delphia and Global Predictions agreed to pay $400,000 in total  — Cases alleging over-hyped AI claims step up agency crackdown

Source: TechMeme
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