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Q&A with Figma CEO Dylan Field on the failed Adobe deal, competing with Adobe, Figma's new Multi-edit tool, building tools, AI, AGI, Dev Mode

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2024-03-18 16:05:34

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Nilay Patel / The Verge:

Q&A with Figma CEO Dylan Field on the failed Adobe deal, competing with Adobe, Figma's new Multi-edit tool, building tools, AI, AGI, Dev Mode, the web, and more  —  The leader of design toolmaker Figma on life after the failed Adobe deal and what comes next in a live interview from SXSW.

Nilay Patel / The Verge:

Q&A with Figma CEO Dylan Field on the failed Adobe deal, competing with Adobe, Figma's new Multi-edit tool, building tools, AI, AGI, Dev Mode, the web, and more  —  The leader of design toolmaker Figma on life after the failed Adobe deal and what comes next in a live interview from SXSW.

Source: TechMeme
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