National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

The US FTC bans data broker X-Mode Social, now known as Outlogic, from selling phone location data and orders it to delete collected data (Carly Page

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2024-01-09 18:45:34
Blue Team (CND)

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Carly Page / TechCrunch:

The US FTC bans data broker X-Mode Social, now known as Outlogic, from selling phone location data and orders it to delete collected data  —  The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has banned the data broker X-Mode Social from sharing or selling users' sensitive location data, the federal regulator said Tuesday.

Carly Page / TechCrunch:

The US FTC bans data broker X-Mode Social, now known as Outlogic, from selling phone location data and orders it to delete collected data  —  The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has banned the data broker X-Mode Social from sharing or selling users' sensitive location data, the federal regulator said Tuesday.

Source: TechMeme
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