National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Filing: Google agrees to settle a 2020 lawsuit that accused Google of tracking activity in Chrome's incognito mode and tying it to users' pr

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2023-12-28 21:32:13
Privacy , Policy / Governance

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Eric Bangeman / Ars Technica:

Filing: Google agrees to settle a 2020 lawsuit that accused Google of tracking activity in Chrome's incognito mode and tying it to users' profiles  —  2020 lawsuit accused Google of tracking incognito activity, tying it to users' profiles.  —  Google has indicated that it is ready to settle …

Eric Bangeman / Ars Technica:

Filing: Google agrees to settle a 2020 lawsuit that accused Google of tracking activity in Chrome's incognito mode and tying it to users' profiles  —  2020 lawsuit accused Google of tracking incognito activity, tying it to users' profiles.  —  Google has indicated that it is ready to settle …

Source: TechMeme
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