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Adobe announces Custom Models, to let businesses customize Firefly models, and Firefly Services, a set of 20+ generative and creative APIs, tools, and

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2024-03-26 17:40:20

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Frederic Lardinois / TechCrunch:

Adobe announces Custom Models, to let businesses customize Firefly models, and Firefly Services, a set of 20+ generative and creative APIs, tools, and services  —  Adobe today announced Firefly Services, a set of over 20 new generative and creative APIs, tools and services.

Frederic Lardinois / TechCrunch:

Adobe announces Custom Models, to let businesses customize Firefly models, and Firefly Services, a set of 20+ generative and creative APIs, tools, and services  —  Adobe today announced Firefly Services, a set of over 20 new generative and creative APIs, tools and services.

Source: TechMeme
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