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Filing: Dell cut 13,000 employees over the last fiscal year, a steeper reduction than initially announced, and had 120K staffers globally as of Februa

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2024-03-26 15:40:50

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Brody Ford / Bloomberg:

Filing: Dell cut 13,000 employees over the last fiscal year, a steeper reduction than initially announced, and had 120K staffers globally as of February 2, 2024  —  Dell had 120,000 employees globally as of Feb. 2, 2024, the technology hardware maker said in a filing Monday.

Brody Ford / Bloomberg:

Filing: Dell cut 13,000 employees over the last fiscal year, a steeper reduction than initially announced, and had 120K staffers globally as of February 2, 2024  —  Dell had 120,000 employees globally as of Feb. 2, 2024, the technology hardware maker said in a filing Monday.

Source: TechMeme
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