National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF) Forums

The hidden HR cost of mismanaged secrets

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2023-12-12 21:13:13
Blue Team (CND)

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For large-scale organizations, managing digital secrets is more than just an IT task; it’s a fundamental aspect of cybersecurity strategy. In fact, stolen or compromised credentials account for losses of $4.77 million according to IBM research. We’re talking about something where ‘Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V’ isn’t just a shortcut, but a potential security hazard, and where the […]

The post The hidden HR cost of mismanaged secrets appeared first on Entro.

The post The hidden HR cost of mismanaged secrets appeared first on Security Boulevard.

Itzik Alvas. Co-founder & CEO, Entro

Source: Security Boulevard
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Blue Team (CND)

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