National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Chinese social platforms like Weibo and Douyin require popular users to reveal their real names, forcing some influencers to either cull their followe

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2023-11-23 09:53:15
Blue Team (CND) , Red Team (CNA) , Policy / Governance , Breach

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Caiwei Chen / Rest of World:

Chinese social platforms like Weibo and Douyin require popular users to reveal their real names, forcing some influencers to either cull their followers or quit  —  Forced to use real names on platforms like Weibo, Chinese influencers quit social media instead.

Caiwei Chen / Rest of World:

Chinese social platforms like Weibo and Douyin require popular users to reveal their real names, forcing some influencers to either cull their followers or quit  —  Forced to use real names on platforms like Weibo, Chinese influencers quit social media instead.

Source: TechMeme
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