National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Experts warn against unrealistic expectations for quantum computers, citing the challenges in making fault-tolerant systems, Qubits' slow operati

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2023-12-23 19:54:21
Developers , Blue Team (CND)

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Edd Gent / IEEE Spectrum:

Experts warn against unrealistic expectations for quantum computers, citing the challenges in making fault-tolerant systems, Qubits' slow operating speeds, more  —  Hype is everywhere, skeptics say, and practical applications are still far away  —  The quantum computer revolution …

Edd Gent / IEEE Spectrum:

Experts warn against unrealistic expectations for quantum computers, citing the challenges in making fault-tolerant systems, Qubits' slow operating speeds, more  —  Hype is everywhere, skeptics say, and practical applications are still far away  —  The quantum computer revolution …

Source: TechMeme
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