National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Google's TAG says a pro-Palestinian hacking group targeted Israeli software engineers to download malware ahead of October 7, in an attack dubbed

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2024-02-14 12:55:33

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Aggi Cantrill / Bloomberg:

Google's TAG says a pro-Palestinian hacking group targeted Israeli software engineers to download malware ahead of October 7, in an attack dubbed Blackatom  —  - Spies used ‘very effective’ tactic, spreading malware  — A rare example of known cyber-activity in run-up to Oct. 7

Aggi Cantrill / Bloomberg:

Google's TAG says a pro-Palestinian hacking group targeted Israeli software engineers to download malware ahead of October 7, in an attack dubbed Blackatom  —  - Spies used ‘very effective’ tactic, spreading malware  — A rare example of known cyber-activity in run-up to Oct. 7

Source: TechMeme
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