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Mistral AI releases a GPT-4 rival called Mistral Large, which supports context windows of 32k tokens, and a ChatGPT-like chat assistant called Le Chat

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2024-02-26 15:32:35

Romain Dillet / TechCrunch:

Mistral AI releases a GPT-4 rival called Mistral Large, which supports context windows of 32k tokens, and a ChatGPT-like chat assistant called Le Chat in beta  —  Paris-based AI startup Mistral AI is gradually building an alternative to OpenAI and Anthropic as its latest announcement shows.

Romain Dillet / TechCrunch:

Mistral AI releases a GPT-4 rival called Mistral Large, which supports context windows of 32k tokens, and a ChatGPT-like chat assistant called Le Chat in beta  —  Paris-based AI startup Mistral AI is gradually building an alternative to OpenAI and Anthropic as its latest announcement shows.

Source: TechMeme
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