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Sources: X declined requests by UK's Labour party to take down a deepfake audio clip of leader Keir Starmer, raising concerns ahead of a general

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2024-03-15 14:53:30
Shooting the breeze / off-topic , Policy / Governance

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Ailbhe Rea / Bloomberg:

Sources: X declined requests by UK's Labour party to take down a deepfake audio clip of leader Keir Starmer, raising concerns ahead of a general election  —  - Firm rebuffed Labour's request to take down clip, people say  — Opposition party is training candidates on disinformation risk

Ailbhe Rea / Bloomberg:

Sources: X declined requests by UK's Labour party to take down a deepfake audio clip of leader Keir Starmer, raising concerns ahead of a general election  —  - Firm rebuffed Labour's request to take down clip, people say  — Opposition party is training candidates on disinformation risk

Source: TechMeme
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Shooting the breeze / off-topic
Policy / Governance

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