National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Sources: the Cybersecurity Administration of China has approved only 25% of data export applications since a data security law took effect in Septemb

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2024-01-03 15:21:55
Privacy , Blue Team (CND) , Policy / Governance

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Sun Yu / Financial Times:

Sources: the Cybersecurity Administration of China has approved only ~25% of data export applications since a data security law took effect in September 2022  —  Delays come amid slowing economy and increased tensions between Washington and Beijing  —  China has approved only about a quarter …

Sun Yu / Financial Times:

Sources: the Cybersecurity Administration of China has approved only ~25% of data export applications since a data security law took effect in September 2022  —  Delays come amid slowing economy and increased tensions between Washington and Beijing  —  China has approved only about a quarter …

Source: TechMeme
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