National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Atlassian raises the severity rating of a vulnerability in its Confluence Data Center and Server to maximum, and confirms the flaw is being actively e

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2023-11-08 20:02:11
Privacy , Blue Team (CND)

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Connor Jones / The Register:

Atlassian raises the severity rating of a vulnerability in its Confluence Data Center and Server to maximum, and confirms the flaw is being actively exploited  —  Attackers secure admin rights after vendor said they could only steal data  —  Atlassian reassessed the severity rating …

Connor Jones / The Register:

Atlassian raises the severity rating of a vulnerability in its Confluence Data Center and Server to maximum, and confirms the flaw is being actively exploited  —  Attackers secure admin rights after vendor said they could only steal data  —  Atlassian reassessed the severity rating …

Source: TechMeme
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