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LinkedIn: the number of companies with a designated head of AI position or a chief AI officer (CAIO) has almost tripled globally in the past five year

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2024-04-14 18:31:19
Developers , General News , Policy / Governance

Emma Jacobs / Financial Times:

LinkedIn: the number of companies with a designated head of AI position or a chief AI officer (CAIO) has almost tripled globally in the past five years  —  As boards grapple with the opportunity and risk of generative artificial intelligence, companies are leaning into a new role: the chief AI officer.

Emma Jacobs / Financial Times:

LinkedIn: the number of companies with a designated head of AI position or a chief AI officer (CAIO) has almost tripled globally in the past five years  —  As boards grapple with the opportunity and risk of generative artificial intelligence, companies are leaning into a new role: the chief AI officer.

Source: TechMeme
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