National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

YouTube adds a news page to its mobile apps that suggests content from "authoritative sources", and plans to spend $1.6M to promote creating

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2023-10-18 17:37:18
Privacy , Developers

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Jon Porter / The Verge:

YouTube adds a news page to its mobile apps that suggests content from “authoritative sources”, and plans to spend $1.6M to promote creating Shorts news content  —  YouTube is embracing news from “authoritative sources” at a time when Meta is reluctant to promote hard news …

Jon Porter / The Verge:

YouTube adds a news page to its mobile apps that suggests content from “authoritative sources”, and plans to spend $1.6M to promote creating Shorts news content  —  YouTube is embracing news from “authoritative sources” at a time when Meta is reluctant to promote hard news …

Source: TechMeme
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