National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

The jury in Epic v. Google finds that Google has monopoly power in the Android app distribution and in-app billing services markets; Google plans to a

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2023-12-12 04:06:44
Blue Team (CND) , Policy / Governance

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Sean Hollister / The Verge:

The jury in Epic v. Google finds that Google has monopoly power in the Android app distribution and in-app billing services markets; Google plans to appeal  —  Three years after Fortnite maker Epic Games sued Apple and Google for allegedly running illegal app store monopolies, Epic has a win.

Sean Hollister / The Verge:

The jury in Epic v. Google finds that Google has monopoly power in the Android app distribution and in-app billing services markets; Google plans to appeal  —  Three years after Fortnite maker Epic Games sued Apple and Google for allegedly running illegal app store monopolies, Epic has a win.

Source: TechMeme
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Blue Team (CND)
Policy / Governance

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