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Tutorial On Shoulder Surfing Technique & How To Prevent From It

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2024-08-18 14:31:13
Red Team (CNA)
Shoulder Surfing
Hello everyone!! Today I'm gonna tell about a cool & funny hacking technique named Shoulder Surfing. Mostly among you would've use this technique before too, but never knew about its name, so let me clear what is shoulder surfing in brief:

Shoulder surfing is the way to obtaining information by looking over any person's shoulder (It's similar to cheating in exam from someone sitting ahead you). For e.g. while filling your personal data like email, password, security pin or while doing transactions from ATMs, person behind you can see what you're typing & grab the sensitive information. It seems weird, but persons who're very slow in typing, mostly become victim of it. Shoulder surfing can also be done through long distance by using binoculars.

How to prevent from this hacking technique?

  • As I recommend, type fast as you can.

  • Know who's behind you while typing.

  • At last but not least, pick strong passwords for email accounts, transactions (so that the person behind you even could not make a guess about what you typed).

    And the best way I found on Google:

Shoulder Surfing Prevention
haha :)

Source: Basicsofethicalhacking
Source Link:

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