At Recorded Future, we understand the importance of practicing what we preach. As the worlds largest intelligence company, we're committed to ensuring that our internal security practices are as robust as the solutions we offer our clients. We achieve this through a comprehensive program of internal cyber intelligence training and awareness initiatives.
Phishing Awareness Training: A Critical Component of Cybersecurity
Even the most experienced cybersecurity professionals can fall victim to phishing attacks. That's why we prioritize ongoing phishing awareness training for our employees. Through regular simulations and educational campaigns, we help our team stay vigilant against the latest phishing tactics and recognize the signs of suspicious emails. In doing so, we demonstrate our commitment to protecting sensitive data related to our company, employees, partners, and clients.
How to Ensure Employees Stay Ahead of Phishing Threats
Phishing attacks threaten everyone, regardless of their level of technical expertise. To ensure that our employees remain vigilant, we employ a multi-faceted approach to phishing awareness training:
- Regular simulations: We conduct frequent phishing simulations to test employees' ability to identify and report suspicious emails. These simulations, designed to mimic real-world phishing attacks, help us identify gaps in our training or awareness efforts.
- Educational campaigns: We regularly share information about the latest phishing trends and tactics, including articles, blog posts, and presentations on spear phishing, smishing, and vishing.
- Interactive training: We use interactive methods like quizzes and games to make phishing awareness training more engaging and memorable.
- Real-world examples: We share real-world examples of successful phishing attacks, helping employees understand the various tactics that attackers use and how to avoid falling victim.
Example of Training Effectiveness
Recently, one of our employees received a highly credible phishing email that appeared to be from a trusted colleague. The email contained a link to a malicious website intending to steal login credentials. However, due to our ongoing phishing awareness training, the employee was able to identify the email as suspicious and report it to our security team.
Reflecting Our Commitment to Security
By investing in robust phishing awareness training, we practice the principles we advise our clients to follow. Organizations need to protect themselves from phishing attacks, and our training program is a testament to our dedication to security.
Interested in deepening your own cyber intelligence training? Recorded Future University offers a wide-range of free public courses, including our Intelligence Fundamentals Curriculum, Continuing Professional Education (CPE), and Certifications.
Source: RecordedFuture
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