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The confusion around Dropbox's AI toggle highlights an AI trust crisis where many users don't believe OpenAI's claims that their data w

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2023-12-14 18:34:34

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Simon Willison / Simon Willison's Weblog:

The confusion around Dropbox's AI toggle highlights an AI trust crisis where many users don't believe OpenAI's claims that their data won't be used for training  —  Dropbox added some new AI features.  In the past couple of days these have attracted a firestorm of criticism.

Simon Willison / Simon Willison's Weblog:

The confusion around Dropbox's AI toggle highlights an AI trust crisis where many users don't believe OpenAI's claims that their data won't be used for training  —  Dropbox added some new AI features.  In the past couple of days these have attracted a firestorm of criticism.

Source: TechMeme
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