National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

The UK, the US, France, Poland, and other nations, plus Google, Microsoft, Meta, and others, sign a statement recognizing the need for more action on

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2024-02-06 17:18:30
Attacks , Policy / Governance

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Antoaneta Roussi / Politico:

The UK, the US, France, Poland, and other nations, plus Google, Microsoft, Meta, and others, sign a statement recognizing the need for more action on spyware  —  Governments have struggled to stop the spread of commercial hacking tools.  —  The United Kingdom, France and allied countries …

Antoaneta Roussi / Politico:

The UK, the US, France, Poland, and other nations, plus Google, Microsoft, Meta, and others, sign a statement recognizing the need for more action on spyware  —  Governments have struggled to stop the spread of commercial hacking tools.  —  The United Kingdom, France and allied countries …

Source: TechMeme
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