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US v. Google: Pandu Nayak, Google's first witness and a VP of Search, testifies that smart employees explain the company's success and innov

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2023-10-19 16:43:14
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Steve Lohr / New York Times:

US v. Google: Pandu Nayak, Google's first witness and a VP of Search, testifies that smart employees explain the company's success and innovations, such as LLMs  —  While the Justice Department says Google has squeezed partners and made expensive deals to maintain its search dominance, the company has a more genteel story to tell.

Steve Lohr / New York Times:

US v. Google: Pandu Nayak, Google's first witness and a VP of Search, testifies that smart employees explain the company's success and innovations, such as LLMs  —  While the Justice Department says Google has squeezed partners and made expensive deals to maintain its search dominance, the company has a more genteel story to tell.

Source: TechMeme
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