National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Microsoft strikes an AI deal with Semafor for a breaking news feed called Signals; Ben Smith says it will be written by journalists, using AI as a res

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2024-02-05 16:53:03
Attacks , Policy / Governance

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Anna Nicolaou / Financial Times:

Microsoft strikes an AI deal with Semafor for a breaking news feed called Signals; Ben Smith says it will be written by journalists, using AI as a research tool  —  Collaboration comes as tech giant faces multibillion-dollar lawsuit from the New York Times  —  Microsoft is working …

Anna Nicolaou / Financial Times:

Microsoft strikes an AI deal with Semafor for a breaking news feed called Signals; Ben Smith says it will be written by journalists, using AI as a research tool  —  Collaboration comes as tech giant faces multibillion-dollar lawsuit from the New York Times  —  Microsoft is working …

Source: TechMeme
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