National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF) Forums

What Python 2.7 EOL Means for Developers and Organizations

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2024-03-26 15:43:05

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Python 2.7 no longer receives official support from the Python Software Foundation (PSF), including bug fixes, security patches, or any other updates. Migrating from Python 2.7 to Python 3.x versions can be costly and time-consuming due to codebase complexity, third-party libraries, legacy systems, and extensive testing. TuxCare offers extended security support for Python 2.7 applications […]

The post What Python 2.7 EOL Means for Developers and Organizations appeared first on TuxCare.

The post What Python 2.7 EOL Means for Developers and Organizations appeared first on Security Boulevard.

Rohan Timalsina

Source: Security Boulevard
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