National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

eBay will pay $3M to resolve charges over a harassment campaign by staffers who sent spiders and other disturbing items to those behind the EcommerceB

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2024-01-11 19:47:51
Developers , Cybersecurity Business , Blue Team (CND) , Attacks

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Alanna Durkin Richer / Associated Press:

eBay will pay $3M to resolve charges over a harassment campaign by staffers who sent spiders and other disturbing items to those behind the EcommerceBytes blog  —  Online retailer eBay Inc. will pay a $3 million fine to resolve criminal charges over a harassment campaign waged by employees …

Alanna Durkin Richer / Associated Press:

eBay will pay $3M to resolve charges over a harassment campaign by staffers who sent spiders and other disturbing items to those behind the EcommerceBytes blog  —  Online retailer eBay Inc. will pay a $3 million fine to resolve criminal charges over a harassment campaign waged by employees …

Source: TechMeme
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