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Gab launched 91 chatbots over the last month, including AI versions of Hitler and Trump, several of which deny the Holocaust, call climate change a sc

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2024-02-22 20:27:19
Developers , Shooting the breeze / off-topic

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David Gilbert / Wired:

Gab launched 91 chatbots over the last month, including AI versions of Hitler and Trump, several of which deny the Holocaust, call climate change a scam, more  —  The proliferation of generative AI chatbots on extremist platforms could lead to increased radicalization, experts warn.

David Gilbert / Wired:

Gab launched 91 chatbots over the last month, including AI versions of Hitler and Trump, several of which deny the Holocaust, call climate change a scam, more  —  The proliferation of generative AI chatbots on extremist platforms could lead to increased radicalization, experts warn.

Source: TechMeme
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