National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

An investigation finds Airbnb fails to protect its guests from hidden cameras and moves swiftly to contain user complaints and resolve them out of cou

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2024-07-10 06:10:58
Developers , Cybersecurity Business , Blue Team (CND) , Digital Forensics / Incident Response (DFIR) , Breach

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An investigation finds Airbnb fails to protect its guests from hidden cameras and moves swiftly to contain user complaints and resolve them out of court  —  Watch AC360 at 8pm ET tonight for more on this investigation, including where cameras can be hidden inside Airbnb rentals.  —  CNN —


An investigation finds Airbnb fails to protect its guests from hidden cameras and moves swiftly to contain user complaints and resolve them out of court  —  Watch AC360 at 8pm ET tonight for more on this investigation, including where cameras can be hidden inside Airbnb rentals.  —  CNN —

Source: TechMeme
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Cybersecurity Business
Blue Team (CND)
Digital Forensics / Incident Response (DFIR)

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