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CoinGecko: Worldcoin's WLD fell 9.1% over 24 hours to $1.33 and is down 43.6% since its launch a month ago, after scrutiny over data collection

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2023-08-25 15:56:13
Privacy , Shooting the breeze / off-topic , Breach

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Timmy Shen / The Block:

CoinGecko: Worldcoin's WLD fell 9.1% over 24 hours to ~$1.33 and is down 43.6% since its launch a month ago, after scrutiny over data collection and privacy  —  - The controversial crypto project co-created by Sam Altman saw its WLD token drop 9.1% over the past 24 hours and 43.6% over the past 30 days.

Timmy Shen / The Block:

CoinGecko: Worldcoin's WLD fell 9.1% over 24 hours to ~$1.33 and is down 43.6% since its launch a month ago, after scrutiny over data collection and privacy  —  - The controversial crypto project co-created by Sam Altman saw its WLD token drop 9.1% over the past 24 hours and 43.6% over the past 30 days.

Source: TechMeme
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