National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Sources: Apple plans to file an EU DMA challenge, disputing the EU putting all of the App Store on the DMA list and arguing that the DMA doesn't

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2023-11-10 18:19:06

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Sources: Apple plans to file an EU DMA challenge, disputing the EU putting all of the App Store on the DMA list and arguing that the DMA doesn't cover iMessage  —  - EU's Digital Markets Act lays out dos and dont's for Big Tech  — Apple's focus on how App Store and iMessage are impacted


Sources: Apple plans to file an EU DMA challenge, disputing the EU putting all of the App Store on the DMA list and arguing that the DMA doesn't cover iMessage  —  - EU's Digital Markets Act lays out dos and dont's for Big Tech  — Apple's focus on how App Store and iMessage are impacted

Source: TechMeme
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