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The EU Court of Justice says Apple filed a legal case contesting the European Commission's decisions under the DMA; Meta and TikTok have already

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2023-11-18 00:21:22
Policy / Governance

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Martin Coulter / Reuters:

The EU Court of Justice says Apple filed a legal case contesting the European Commission's decisions under the DMA; Meta and TikTok have already filed appeals  —  Apple (AAPL.O) has filed a legal case contesting decisions taken by the European Commission under its recently-introduced Digital Markets Act …

Martin Coulter / Reuters:

The EU Court of Justice says Apple filed a legal case contesting the European Commission's decisions under the DMA; Meta and TikTok have already filed appeals  —  Apple (AAPL.O) has filed a legal case contesting decisions taken by the European Commission under its recently-introduced Digital Markets Act …

Source: TechMeme
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