National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Policy: Visitor and Volunteer Health Safety

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2024-07-08 23:34:16
Cyber Range Policies

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Purpose: To ensure the protection of all individuals within our facility by implementing measures that minimize exposure to illnesses, diseases, and other health-related risks. This policy outlines the responsibilities of visitors and volunteers in maintaining a safe environment for everyone involved.

Policy Statement:

  1. Visitors and volunteers must not enter the premises if they are experiencing any symptoms of illness or have been exposed to an infectious disease within the past 14 days. Symptoms include, but are not limited to, fever, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, body aches, headache, fatigue, and gastrointestinal issues.
  2. Visitors and volunteers must follow all hygiene protocols established by the facility, including frequent handwashing or using hand sanitizer, wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) as required, and practicing respiratory etiquette (e.g., covering coughs and sneezes).
  3. Visitors and volunteers are responsible for disclosing any known health conditions that may pose a risk to others in the facility. This includes, but is not limited to, active infectious diseases or chronic illnesses that compromise immune function.
  4. Visitors and volunteers must adhere to all posted signage and instructions related to health and safety measures within the facility.
  5. Visitors and volunteers are expected to maintain social distancing guidelines as established by local and national health authorities while on the premises.
  6. Visitors and volunteers should refrain from touching surfaces, objects, or other individuals unnecessarily during their visit.
  7. In case of any suspected exposure to illnesses or diseases within the facility, visitors and volunteers must immediately report this to the designated staff member for further action.
  8. Visitors and volunteers are encouraged to stay informed about current health advisories and guidelines from local and national health authorities and adjust their behavior accordingly.
  9. The facility reserves the right to deny entry or ask any visitor or volunteer to leave if they are deemed a risk to others due to illness, exposure, or non-compliance with this policy.
  10. This policy is subject to change based on updated guidance from health authorities and evolving circumstances related to infectious diseases and other health risks. Visitors and volunteers should regularly check for updates to this policy.

Enforcement: Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including suspension or termination of volunteer privileges or denial of entry as a visitor. The facility reserves the right to take additional measures to protect the health and safety of all individuals within our premises, such as implementing temporary restrictions on visitation or volunteering based on current health conditions and guidelines.

Responsibilities: It is the responsibility of each individual visiting or volunteering at our facility to understand and adhere to this policy in order to create a safe environment for everyone involved. The facility's management will ensure that all staff members are trained on this policy, and it will be communicated to visitors and volunteers through appropriate channels (e.g., signage, website, handouts).

Review: This Visitor and Volunteer Health and Safety Policy will be reviewed annually or as needed based on changes in health guidelines and circumstances related to infectious diseases and other health risks.

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Cyber Range Policies

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