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AliExpress and Temu were the fastest-growing ecommerce apps in South Korea in 2023; Nomura: Chinese websites account for only 2% of South Korean ecom

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2024-03-25 05:32:15

Financial Times:

AliExpress and Temu were the fastest-growing ecommerce apps in South Korea in 2023; Nomura: Chinese websites account for only ~2% of South Korean ecommerce GMV  —  AliExpress and Temu are undercutting domestic competition and US rivals in world's fourth-largest online shopping market

Financial Times:

AliExpress and Temu were the fastest-growing ecommerce apps in South Korea in 2023; Nomura: Chinese websites account for only ~2% of South Korean ecommerce GMV  —  AliExpress and Temu are undercutting domestic competition and US rivals in world's fourth-largest online shopping market

Source: TechMeme
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