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A bipartisan group of US lawmakers warn Biden that EU technology regulations are unfairly targeting US companies and not including many Chinese or EU

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2023-12-18 23:34:07
Blue Team (CND) , Policy / Governance

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Martin Coulter / Reuters:

A bipartisan group of US lawmakers warn Biden that EU technology regulations are unfairly targeting US companies and not including many Chinese or EU companies  —  A bipartisan group of lawmakers has written to U.S. President Joe Biden, warning European technology regulation …

Martin Coulter / Reuters:

A bipartisan group of US lawmakers warn Biden that EU technology regulations are unfairly targeting US companies and not including many Chinese or EU companies  —  A bipartisan group of lawmakers has written to U.S. President Joe Biden, warning European technology regulation …

Source: TechMeme
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Blue Team (CND)
Policy / Governance

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